Anchoring Photos



Word 2003

I have a Word document that is divided into five columns. The text portion
of the document is a series of biographies for individuals within a
department. I have been requested to insert the photos of these indivduals
so that the photo is attached to the applicable text bio for each individual.
However, it seems that in incorporating additional photos to correspond with
the bio text portion, the photos have a tendency to move to inexplicable
positions within the document. Sometimes even appearing to be "behind" the
text, although I have tried setting the text wrapping to be both "square"
and/or "tight".

Is there a way to "anchor" a photo or series of photos so that the photo
remains attached to the applicable biographical text information and moves
with it when either additional text or additional photos are incorporated?

I know that Word is not the best program to use for this sort of
application, but in this situation it is all that I have currently available.

Thanks in advance for any assistance in this regard.


Jay Freedman

Pictures in Word can be either "floating" or "in line with text". What
you have now is floating pictures, whose position can be somewhat
unpredictable. What you want is in-line pictures, which behave like
single characters.

Set the Text Wrapping to In Line with Text. If necessary, cut the
picture to the clipboard and paste it into a paragraph where you want

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.


Thanks so very much Jay.

I'm going to put your suggestion to the test in the hopes that it cures what
ails me.

I appreciate so much the timely assistance that I continue to receive from
you and all of the other contributors to this forum.



Thanks so very much Jay.

I will be sure to put your suggestion to the test. It has been my thought
that in using the "inline" positioning for photos or graphics that one was
rendered unable to use the "text wrapping" feature. However, I'm going to
re-visit that situation.

I am so appreciative of the timely assistance that I continue to receive
from you and all of the other contributors to this forum.



Unfortunately Jay, I am still missing the mark in this regard.

Although I have attempted to place the photos within the document using the
"in-line" wrapping feature, the photos continue to move about with no
apparent rhyme or reason. The "anchor" icon appears to be attached to each
photo, but doesn't seem to be "anchoring" the photo to any particular
location within the text.

Any further suggestions or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks - Rod

Jay Freedman

First, if you're seeing an anchor icon in the margin, then the
corresponding photo is not in-line. Only floating graphics display
anchor icons. (Somewhat logically, an in-line picture's "anchor" is
its current location between two characters, so there's no need to
display an icon.)

This could get confusing, though, because the anchor for a floating
graphic can be literally anywhere on the same page as that graphic, so
it could be in the margin next to an in-line picture even though
they're unrelated.

One way (if less than intuitive) to tell whether a particular picture
is in-line or floating: When it's selected, an in-line picture has
small black square "handles" at its corners and the middles of its
edges. A floating picture has small circular handles, white with black
outlines; and a single green circular handle for rotation. Also, with
the picture selected, click the Text Wrapping button on the Picture
toolbar; the current wrapping type will be highlighted -- anything
except "In Line With Text" is floating.

I'll repeat that in-line pictures absolutely, positively cannot "move
about" by themselves. You can select one and drag it to a new
location, just as you can do with a word of text, but it will then
stay in the new location.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.


Once again my thanks to you Jay for the assistance and the information; most
especially the procedure for distinguishing a "floating" photo from an
"inline" photo. I had noticed the difference in the "boundaries" in a couple
of instances, but had no idea as to what the difference meant.

I am going to put into play the additional information that you've supplied
in this regard.

Thanks again - Rod


Hey there Jay.

To make an already "odd" situation even more "odd"; in my particular project
(having taken to heart your earlier information and assistance) I am finding
that even in placing photos as "in-line", at some point in the continuing
pasting process, the previously placed "in-line" photos arbitrarily (through
no iintervention from me) change to "floating" photos; which permits them
wander about the document at will and to additionally position themselves
"behind" the actual text.

Is this anything to which you may have any additional insight? Does it make
any difference as to the format of the the photos? I have tried converting
the photos from ".jpg" to both ".gif" and ".tif" with the same end results.

Thanks in advance - once again - Rod

Jay Freedman

No, that behavior isn't like anything I've ever seen or heard about.
To my knowledge, the text wrapping of objects *never* changes

I suppose it's possible that you have some rogue add-in, virus,
damaged RAM, or satanic possession, but none of that is anything I can
diagnose without sitting at your keyboard.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.


Hello Jay: It sounds as though I have some further investigating to do. I
agree with you in that it sounds/appears as though there's something rather
demonic going on with this project. In the meantime I have moved the project
to Publisher and it seems to be responding as expected.

Thanks so much for bearing with me on this issue. I do appreciate it.


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