Another Date Validation question (date +1)



Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to build in a date validation on my form that ensures that
the start date that is entered for the new record is equal to the the
end date from the "previous" record plus one. I did some searching in
the group and saw that it would be difficult perhaps to do that b/c
databases don't work like spreadsheets so the concept of "previous" is
a little different and I wanted to do this I would have to have some
sort of counter field that associates the records? Is that correct.

This is what is on my form:
1: Last day of previous period (date field)
2: Number of days in current period (number field)
3: Start date and end date of current period (invisible fields that
are calculated using the last day of previous and the number of days
in current period)

The additional field I WANT to put on the form is a calculated START
date of the current period (same as in #3) but this would be
calculated using the Last day of previous period (+ number days in
period +1 (all from the previous record)

This will tell me what the first day in the new period is according to
the last record. And if they enter an incorrect date for "last day of
previous period" the computed start date for the current period won't
match the start date for the current period computed using the date in
the previous record.

Clear as mud?
Im not sure how to do this. I created a macro that opened up the
table and found the control and went to the correct field in the
previous record... but can I now use the date that it found? I cant
get it to appear on the form (although I think that's a no-no too).
Is this a DLookup issue?

Any help would be GREATLY GREATLY appreciated!

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