Any Answers?


Gene L.

On July 30, I asked if anyone knew of a method for displaying an "All Day
Event" in the To-Do section of Outlook 2007. I know that Outlook 2010 has
such a provision but it looks as if I will using 2007 for some time. Any
Thank you:
Gene L.

Do Dah Zippity

Well, if you didn't see any, then there weren't any, were there?

: On July 30, I asked if anyone knew of a method for displaying an "All Day
: Event" in the To-Do section of Outlook 2007. I know that Outlook 2010 has
: such a provision but it looks as if I will using 2007 for some time. Any
: answers?
: Thank you:
: Gene L.


Gene said:
On July 30, I asked if anyone knew of a method for displaying an "All Day
Event" in the To-Do section of Outlook 2007. I know that Outlook 2010 has
such a provision but it looks as if I will using 2007 for some time. Any
Doesn't look like it.

To ping (bump) an old thread, reply to THAT thread. Don't start a new
thread. This is not a chat room where immediacy is required or
expected. Think of newsgroups like e-mail: You send a message and then
wait for a reply. 2 days is too short to condemn a post to oblivion.
If you don't get a reply to your original thread in, say, a week then
repost. If you don't get an answer after another week, figure no one
that visits here wants to answer or doesn't have an answer or they chose
not to read your post.

Microsoft is killing off their microsoft.public.* newsgroups (only from
their NNTP server, not from the world-wide mesh network of Usenet) which
also means they are killing off their "Communities" gateway to Usenet
(aka newsgroups). While not dead, traffic has been reduced in those
newsgroups. If you feel that your post becomes stagnant in the
newsgroups then you might try the inane web-based forums that Microsoft
setup in their Answers forums (

Have you yet tried hunting through Google's search results to see if
your issue has been addressed before?"outlook+2007"++"all+day"++event++"to+do"+list

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