Any way to select ALL Figures in current Word Document?




Is there any way to select ALL figures in my current word document?

I wanted to (1) Apply a Figure Format (2) Change layout to inline with text
for all the Figures in my document.

I have 60 plus figures!

Any ideas?




Unfortuantely I don't think you can. Some of the Wrapping Styles don't allow
selection by Find or Browse Object.
Possible work around.
Use Find and Replace to do your Format application, use ^g^p in the Find
box, this will find the graphic and its paragraph mark of all those figures
that are InLineWithText.
Apply your format changes to the Replace box and enter in the box ^&#####
and add the Highlight option from the More Format (ensure that your Highligh
icon on the toolbar has a colour setting, White Highlight on white screen
wont do it ;-).
This will replace all the Figures that are currently InLineWithText with the
settings you know want and will add a marker that is obvious.
You can now scan through your document qucikly a see any Figure that is not
InLineWithText, apply you changes and move on.
Tip: F4 can repeat many actions, changing an image to InLineWithText is one
of them.
So you can quickly apply the InLineWithText. Once all done, maybe run the
Replace again but add Not Highlight to the Find (select Highlight on More
Format twice) then these changed Figures can now be formatted.
Once all done, use Replace to delete the Highlighted ###### markers.
Takes longer to read this that to actually do.
Hope this helps

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