ASK and REF fields


Sally T

Got a problem with ASK and REF fields, which I've done
before in a template and theyprompt and work. Now they
won't prompt and it immediately gives error where the
fields are : Error! Reference source not found.
However if I select all and F9 to update fields and then
fill in the ASK prompt it then offers and update once more
they will complete. What on earth have I changed to cause
this problem - any clues? Thanks. Sall

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Sally,
Got a problem with ASK and REF fields, which I've done
before in a template and theyprompt and work. Now they
won't prompt
Actually, ASK fields never prompt automatically. FILLIN
fields do. You'd have to use an AutoNew macro to emulate the
Ctrl+A, F9 to get all the ASK fields to prompt when creating
a new document from a template.

Or bookmark FILLIN fields.
and it immediately gives error where the
fields are : Error! Reference source not found.
However if I select all and F9 to update fields and then
fill in the ASK prompt it then offers and update once more
they will complete.
The error message will display if the fields have never been
used, before, and therefore have no content. Word *will*
update the REF fields when you open the document, and
complain because there's no value in the ASK fields'

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow
question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Sorry ... but how do I get the ask field to work then? I
thought it was designed to save the ASK field (with a
name, eg CLIENT) and the create the REF fields with the
same name, which automatically creates bookmarks, then
when the template opens, you are prompted to complete the
ASK which will in turn complete any REFs with the same
name? Is this not right? If not, what use are the ASK
and REF fields? Thanks. Sall

Graham Mayor

As you have discovered ASK fields don't automatically update when you create
a newe document from a template that contains them, but it is a simple
matter to make them do so. You need to create a macro called Autonew in the
document template. The code and instructions you'll find at

Just change the name of the update macro used as an example to Sub Autonew()
You might find the code useful simply added to a toolbar button. A click of
that button will update the fields.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP
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