Attachment - File name is different but document is the same....



Our office is starting to experience a couple strange attachment problems - I
will describe below:

A user attaches 2 documents (named different names and are different
documents) - when the email is sent the attachment looks correct. When
received the document names are still correct, BUT the insides of the
document are the SAME (which shouldn't be happening)

A user uses the File | Send To via Word - copies the attachment from this
email to one he already started, then opens up the attachment (it usually has
a newer version name), may make a change to the document, but then does
another File | Send to - cuts and pastes this new attachment to his first
email that he started and deletes the first attachment - at this time he is
only seeing 1 attachment. When he sends it out - 2 attachments are sent
instead of just one (it makes us look bad)

I believe both users are sending emails out in HTML format. Would this have
something to do with temporary internet files or temporary files not letting

I need to get this fixed ASAP and would appreciate any assistance anyone can

Thank you!!!

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