Auto populate Text Box



Hi I am new at creating Access Databases and am in the process of creating
one for work.
Here is my situation. I have a form that I have created with various tables
and combo boxes. We have part numbers then there are descriptions of each
product. I have a table with all the part numbers and the description next
to them. I want to be able to pick the part number and then have the
description automatically populate a text box. Does anyone know how to do



Include both fields in a combo box. The easiest way to do this is to use
the wizard from form design view. To enable the wizard, choose View,
Toolbox, and toggle on the button with the wand and stars. Then choose the
combo box tool, place the upper left corner of the combo and drag to the
approximate bottom right corner. The wizard will launch; follow the prompts.

Since you wish to display the part number, which presumably is the key field
of your RowSource table, uncheck the Hide Key Field (Recommended) box when

The combo box will display both columns in the drop-down list, but will
display only the part number after you have made a selection. If you don't
wish to see the description in the drop-down, set the second entry of the
ColumnWidths property to 0".

To display the description of the selected part number in a textbox, set its
ControlSource using the Column property of the combo box:

= YourComboBox.Column(1)

Hope that helps.

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