Automatic work allocation




I have the following scenario:
Created a task with a duration of 32 hrs (4 days) and assigned resource A to
work on that task. Later i added resource B to the same task. Total work of
the task remained 32 hrs but duration went down to 16 hrs (2 days) as

I then set resource B to start working a day later than the task's start
date. Duration was increased to 24 (3 days) hrs but i'm left with Resource A
doing nothing on the 3rd day. Is there a way to set Project to automatically
adjust working time of resources so that the task finishes asap. In my
scenario what i would have liked to achieve is to set Project to
automatically adjust working time of resource B to 12 hrs and resource A to
20 hrs. Like this, on the 3rd day both will work for 4hrs and the task will
finish by mid-day, and not end of day.

Hope i explaned myself clearly.

Thanks in advance

Steve House

Sorry, Project doesn't ever assign work or adjust it on its own, that's the
job of the PM. When you have multiple resources on a task, each one is
essentially treated independently when you adjust the work, allocation, or
duration. It's almost as if your task was really two independent tasks of
16 man-hours each, one done by resource A and the other done by resource B.
The only time Project will transfer work from one resource to another is
when you add a new resource to the task or completely remove one, where it
acts in accordance with the effort driven setting. You'll need to go into
the Resource Usage view and manually adjust the hours of each resource on
the last day, taking 4 hours from B and giving them to A.

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