automating link changes


Richard Johnson


(1) website made with pub2007
(2) PDF links work on desktop but obviously not on web as the still point to
the desktop.
(3) Its a pain as there are lots of links to be changed!

Is there any software that will reliably do a "find and replace"
automatically for links ie:


by changing the early part of the link to...



many thanks for all help





Richard Johnson

Thanks David - I was hoping for an easier way.. there are a lot of them to

BTW - I have noted the use of SP2 to fix the non appearance of nav bars in
IE8 - but also noted a comment it doesn't work for some users - is there a
definitive answer yes or no on this?

Finally - the link in the notification email to advise me of this reply
didn't work... I had to nav here by manual means - no big deal, but not sure
if its a once off or a glitch only.... it may be useful for someone managing
this site to know its not doing its job

kind regards




If you subscribe to this newsgroup using your e-mail (Outlook Express,
Windows Mail etc) it is much easier and you can set a watch on any thread.



Sorry, but after you write the link once it should take you about 20 seconds
to change each one. Just be sure to test the first couple and make sure that
you are writing the links correctly, so that you don't have to redo them a
second time. And by the way, I am assuming that your subfolder is called
'PDF_dowloads' and not 'PDF downloads'. You probably know that you should
avoid spaces, special characters etc in the folder or file names, correct?

The Office 2007 SP2 does fix the problem with the Publisher 2007 navbars not
rendering in IE8. Your confusion is probably that some people have found
that after applying the patch they could not open existing Publisher files.
the patch fixed one thing only to break another. As a result my suggestion
has been to manually ungroup the navbars until MSFT debugged the SP. From
what has been reported the fix for the SP problem will be available at the
end of June. Stay tuned.

And by the way, this does not fix the problem with Publisher 2003. Those
users will have to manually ungroup the navbars and any other design
elements on each page. Pub 2000 users don't have to make any changes in
their navbars from all the reports thus far.

As Spike suggested, I use the newsgroup rather than the forum, and don't
trust many of the features such as the notification feature of the forum to
work. You are the second person this week to complain about not being
notified after getting an answer. The forums just are not as dependable as
NNTP newsgroups in my opinion, or as easy to work with.



Richard Johnson

Cheers David - OK, I'll stop being lazy!

Yes, I have underscores in all filenames and folders.

I loaded SP2 and no problems with opening files etc, so recreated all pages
and re-uploaded... I don't have IE8 to check but hopefully now they are OK -
is there a way to check without installing IE8 (or can I have both on one

URL is

Now on to fixing all the pages that still display strangely in Firefox!

Question: I get the feeling I'm pushing S**t uphill with publisher with a
site this size.... (actually, thinking back, you did warn me :) ).

Is there either a set of do's and dont's with MS publisher to avoid firefox
etc conflicts, or should I perhaps look for a wysywyg web creation package or
splash out on something like dreamweaver or elements... lots of $$ but if I
should, I will.

As always, sincere thanks for using your free time to help me.


John G.

As of 10:00 am Aus eastern time this morning your Nav Bars do NOT show in IE

Generally it looks good in firefox and goodness me you have put a lot of
work into it.

On the page DC Wiring - Wires the Home Top and Next links do not work. Some
others work and there a likely others that do not work, I have not had time
to check them all.

John G.

Richard Johnson

Hi David


I note you advised SP2 would fix it but....

1/ downloaded SP2 and installed
2/ opened and closed file successfully so no problem there
3/ re-published to web
4/ uploaded 100% of files and checked that all related files were properly
replaced on server with new
5/ nav bar problem was NOT fixed by SP2

Can you please look and advise me please


Richard Johnson

Thanks John - yes, I added IE8 to one PC to check and have the same result -
see my last post to David... did the SP2 thing and it did not fix it!

very frustrated!


Let's use this thread to deal with the IE8 navbar issue. You said that you
installed the Office 2007 SP2, republished your web files, and that your
navbars still do not render. I just looked at your site with IE8 and yes,
the navbars do not render in IE8.

Did you delete the old Publisher web files from your host before you
uploaded the new files? I am not as concerned about the image files as I am
about the .htm files.

At one time you were using both Pub 2003 and 2007 to produce your site.
Which version are you using now?

Open Publisher 2007, go to Help > About Publisher and confirm that the SP2
patch has been applied???

Did you download the whole Office 2007 SP2 or just do a Office update?



Hi Richard,

Lots of questions and two threads starting. I will address the IE8 issues in
the other thread.

Richard, as per using Publisher to build your site we discussed a lot of
this in great detail before. At that time I did warn you that the bigger and
more complex the site, the harder it would be to maintain with Publisher,
and the more likely you would be better off using a different program. I
also suggested strongly that if you wanted to proceed that you should break
your site up and produce it with multiple Publisher files, using multiple
folders or subdirectories. At this point I am beginning to think that given
the direction you seem to be taking your site, you might be better off
developing your site with or PHP...or some other server side
database program.

I see that you have tried to color code and organize your site using
multiple navbars, but to be honest the organization just seems too
complicated and confusing from the user view point, and I can't imagine
trying to keep it organized and managed from your view point. There is no
content on your site that you can't produce with Publisher, and with some
tweaking make all the pages cross browser compatible, but the navigation
system and the way you have things organized are too confusing for me and
are where you might be better off with a different program. I know you have
worked really hard on the navigation, but the overall structure of your site
still needs work in my opinion, and ultimately it may be that a server side
data base program might be a better way to manage it.

As per the cross browser issues. The most common errors I see with Pub 2003
and 2007:

Grouping - if you group a text box with hyperlinked text to any other design
element, Publisher will convert all those grouped elements into a combined
image for FireFox, which will kill the link. Make sure to ungroup everything
on all pages. Applying the Office 2007 SP2 does not fix this issue for

Fill colors and borders - Publisher converts gradient fill colors and fancy
borders to images much as it does for grouped elements. Use single color
fills and simply borders as a rule. If you want to use a gradient fill, then
put the fill in a second text box and layer it behind the text box without
the fill. You can use the same technique for fancy borders.

Test your pages in FF as you build them. Publish your web files to your
local computer and open the index_files folder and look at the files in
thumbnail view. You should be able to spot text boxes that have been
converted to images, and grouped elements converted to images. You can also
do a web page preview, left click, drag across text to try to select it...if
you can't, then it has been converted to an image.

The other major area of cross browser compatibility has to do with how
Publisher processes images. Under some circumstances Publisher produces
lower quality copies of images for FireFox and other non-IE browsers. Always
use the Compress pictures feature.

Reference: Compress graphics file sizes to create smaller Publisher Web
pages (2003):

Reference: Compress Pictures dialog box (2007):

This will resolve most of the image quality issues. The other part is how
Publisher makes a lower quality gif file of some word art and other
graphics. There are several workaround for this, but one quick fix that
takes care of most of the problems, you are already doing. Under tools >
Options > Web tab you can opt to "allow PNG...". When you choose this
option, Publisher produces PNG files for the word art, instead of GIF files
and in general the PNG files, albeit larger in file size, are better
quality. If you uncheck that option and produce your web files and preview
them in FF, you will see a number of lower quality gif files. For now your
best option is to just stay with the PNG file option.

I will stop at this point. If you fix all the grouping, border, and fill
color issues and still have a FF compatibility issue then post back and give
me a link to the page and the specifics of what is not working as intended,
then I can help you with that.


Richard Johnson

Hi David

Yes, I installed SP2 yesterday - filename
I installed to desktop first rather than live update directly...

I rebooted on completion as requested, then opened file, did a couple of
minor rework items and re-named three pages I'd noticed hadn't been done,
saved it, reopened it to check SP2 hadn't caused that file won't open problem
and then recreated the website on the desktop ready to unload.

I didn't delete the files from the server first... I am using cute FTP and
asked it to replace all .HTM and Index as they were uploaded (The only files
I pre-deleted were the couple I had renamed.

I checked the upload date in the FTP window on completion and it seemed to
me that all had been replaced with the new versions.

Todays activity...

I had just, in desperation, re-installed SP2 prior to looking at the groups
for your reply - I'm actually surprised it allowed a reinstallation and it
makes me wonder if in fact it hadn't installed at all first time....

I have just reopened and re saved the file to test again (still works fine),
then checked the version as requested and its definately SP2

I am now recreating the web pages again and this time I will delete all HTM
including the index files prior to uploading.

Fingers crossed.

Other things to do at the same time but It'll be up in a couple of hours max
- hopefully this time it'll work OK

many thanks - I will post a quick note if its OK.... ask for more help if not



Richard Johnson

Hi David

Sincere thanks

It wasn't intended to go live so soon, but in transferring from one provider
to another my original site was dropped totally so I had no real choice as I
didn't have a backup thanks to a recent crash of one of the office computers

I've already started dropping grouping allt together as well as many text
boxes reformatting pages for FF and also discovered if I always make images
"inline" rather than exact they seem to stay where they should relative to
text anywhere on the page in both IE and FF, and two test pages arealready
reporting as good, so its just a matter of checking and changing now...

(This was necessary for more than Firefox - even in IE6/7, if the images
were left as exact" they moved relative to text, which drove me crazy... and
back to grouping without thinking of the consequencesm so grouping was a
later error - I do also confess I got complacent and didn't continuously
check with FF so my own silly fault)

However there's nothing I now can't fix thanks largely to your help.

Re the menus etc: Yes, but I didn't not flow through on your advice which
was invaluable - I read every bit of advised info from last time and totally
re-thought it through. I had actually intended to split the site but things
were going well so I just kept on... My bad.

Maintenance won't be too hard though as I do have my head around the site
structure pretty well and have renamed each page very carefully, but I do
hear you about the complexity of the menus, and once this existing structure
is working to my satisfaction presentation wise, I will get some client
feedback about how they'd like to see it and go back and redo it... and add
secure shopping at the same time.

I'm already doodling a new site tree to talk through with a couple of firends.

I really am a novice web wise though so will have to learn a little about
server side programmes and understand them before I make the changes...

Sincere thanks for your patience - and ongoing help. I will post back if any
more issues - and for the sake of positive completion, when things are sorted



My two cents
Have you compressed you images in publisher?
Seems that they load slowly on my end


John G.

The Nav bars work fine but there are still someproblems with Fire Fox.
The button DCC Workshop Decoder leads to a page with a box of text under the
The Text is there OK in IE7/8 but empty in Firefox.
There may be others but I have not searched.

John G
AEST 11:37 Monday..



Looks like whatever you did, it worked. The navbars appear to render
correctly now in IE8.


Richard Johnson

To both David and John...

***Hi David: Yes, the total deletion of index and index files before upload
seems to have done it...

Sincere thanks

***Hi John

yes, there will be several pages like that. I am working through a change on
each of them, removing groupings and many related text boxes and simply
replacing images and related text in a way that doesn't require grouping to
stay in place properly when web page converted...

an example that had major problems was the dcc decoder page - blank boxes
plus image over text when FF displayed it.

I did a series of changes based on Davids recommendation and it is now OK,
so I am on the the rest as time allows.

kind regards

Richard Johnson

Hi Spike

no, I haven't. They weren't large in most cases so I left them, but they do
seem slow I agree.

Will I lose any resolution if I compress them ... some are already less
sharp than I would like





Some programs do cause a loss in resolution when compressing more than
others. (Trial and error)
I have been using the compression function built into publisher with great




A closer look reveals that your are using PNG images

This may be why they load slowly
Someone on here who is more familiar with the PNG issue may help out here


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