Baseline won't roll-up




We have projects loaded in MSPS 2007, at first we baselined the entire
project and everything's going smoothly...but when we were asked to
add/delete task and baseline only these selected tasks, that's when we stop
and start wondering what's wrong with MSPS 2007, the baselines won't roll-up
to the summary tasks.

We have 5,000 total baseline work...when we tried to add a task with 50 hrs
work and baseline it, our total baseline work and the summary tasks becomes
50 insteads of 5,050!

Please help us with this...we have been trying to seek help since the start
of September...


Spencer Lamoreaux

HI Janice -

When you baseline the selected task, do you check both the ROLL UP
BASELINES options? If not, try this and see if it works.

I've experienced problems in our environment with roll up calculations
as well AFTER we installed the IU update patch from Microsoft. We're
opening a ticket. Another option/work around we found was to use a
differerent baseline as the 'baseline' calculator (ie baseline 4). You

Hope that helps.

Intel IT Scheduling Product Manager


Hi Spencer,

We tried both work around that you mentioned but the baseline still won't



I've been trying to troubleshoot this very same issue along with Janice.
There is another project on the same server that is experiencing the same
problem. Is there a way we can open the file in a debug mode in order to
gather additional information?





I tried to do the baseline again and I got another error, the baseline did
not roll-up correctly. My total baseline is 5,000, I baselined 50, the total
should be 5,050 but what I got is 5,058! Can someone help me please?


Spencer, what was the result of your opened ticket with Microsoft?

We tried saving the file as .xml and then opening the file to be imported as
a new project. This solved the problem on one plan, but not on the others.

In our case, we have found that the re-baseline error is most likely to
happen after a new task change request has been approved (new tasks added).
The error rarely happens after time updates are accepted prior to
re-baselining a task. When the re-baseline mis-calculation occurs, it
appears on any sub-task summary containing the task selected.

Any additional feedback on this issue would be greatly appreciated. We've
been dealing with this issue for over a month.

Peter Mc

I worked with one of the SMEs in my company regarding this issue. I'll
describe the steps we took and what we found.

1. I opened the workplan and did a Save As File so I'd have a backup in case
this went south.
2. I opened the workplan from the server and did a Save As in XML format.
3. Opened PWA and force checked in the workplan.
4. Deleted the workplan from the Published Database via "Delete Enterprise
Objects" in Server Settings.
5. Closed MS Project, then re-opened without connecting to the server.
6. File > Open and selected the XML version of the project.

This kicks off an import-like process where Project performs a bunch of
error checking and validation. We received a ton of errors surrounding the
WBS code. The errors were like this: "The imported data does not match the
destination field type. There is invalid data in the source file. "1.3.9" for
task ID 23 is not a valid entry for a WBS code. A new WBS will be generated
for task ID 23. To continue importing with error messages, click Yes. To
continue importing with no error messages, click No."

I clicked yes throughout this process and received this same error for about
50 tasks.

7. Performed a Save As, this time in MPP format.
8. Closed Project & reopened, this time logging into the server account.
9. Opened the MPP I just saved and did a Save As. This time the dialog box
is a "Save to Project Server" box.
10. During this process it'll ask you to replace the local project resources
with the ones in the Enterprise Pool. I said Yes to All. I think it also
asked about the Calendar and I opted to use the Enterprise Calendar as well.

Our initial attempt to Save and Publish failed with the following error

Error summary/areas:
Got multiple values for non null local custom field F404066 for row
4bb7a056-d1b2-4f85-be6b-03df9b3d3830 for container Assignment
Error details:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<class name="Got multiple values for non null local custom field
F404066 for row 4bb7a056-d1b2-4f85-be6b-03df9b3d3830 for container
<error id="12000" name="ActiveCacheInvalidDataFormat"
uid="3aed5e5d-337a-4737-8395-f8b4347d4494" error="Got multiple values for non
null local custom field F404066 for row 4bb7a056-d1b2-4f85-be6b-03df9b3d3830
for container Assignment" />
<class name="ActiveCacheQueuedMessageExecutionError">
<error id="12005" name="ActiveCacheQueuedMessageExecutionError"
Got multiple values for non null local custom field F404066 for row
4bb7a056-d1b2-4f85-be6b-03df9b3d3830 for container Assignment
cntrHeader, Int32 rowEndOffset, CustomFieldValues cfValues, Dictionary`2
cntrHeader, Int32 cntrDataEndOffset, CustomFieldValues cfValues)
cntrHeader, CustomFieldValues cfValues)
projGuid, String projName, DataStoreEnum store, Guid jobGuid, DateTime
modDate, Int32 revRank, Int32 modRevCounter, Byte[] cntrBytes, ProjectType
projectType, Guid sessionGuid, String sessionDescription, Boolean
isNewProject, Guid projectOwnerGuid)
projGuid, String projName, DataStoreEnum store, Guid userGuid, Guid
sessionGuid, String sessionDescription, Guid jobGuid, ProjectType projType,
DateTime modDate, Int32 revRank, Int32 modRevCounter, Boolean
isOverwriteSave, Boolean isNewProject, Guid projectOwnerGuid, Byte[]
acMessage, Message msg, Group messageGroup, JobTicket jobTicket,
MessageContext mContext)" />
<class name="Queue">
<error id="26000" name="GeneralQueueJobFailed"
JobUID="03829b5e-283b-4a0c-80ca-ad8f6b615f1d" ComputerName="STRMSPAP1020"
GroupType="ACProjectSave" MessageType="Byte[]" MessageId="81" Stage="" />

This was pretty useless to us. We basically decided to perform the same
steps above again on the newer MPP(export in XML and reimport) to see if we'd
catch any more errors. We found a few and decided to delete any project
custom fields that we really didn't need anymore. We also opted to renumber
ALL the WBS values in the plan via Project > WBS > Renumber since the
project-replaced values were all out of sequence (even if they were in a
valid format).

With each attempt at saving to the server you have to remember to delete the
workplan in the published database first so the server doesn't get confused
and try to match any data.

Lastly we ran into a handful of errors like this: "The actual finish date is
before some of the previously entered timephased actual work values. If you
continue with this operation, Project will truncate some of the previously
entered timephased actual work values. To continue, click OK. To remove the
actual finish date, click Cancel."

At first I clocked cancel but ran into the same Save issue, so I opted to
click OK and analyze what happens to the actuals afterwards compared with my
first backup copy. Fortunately no actuals were affected. Maybe the actuals
Project was talking about were zero values.

I hope this helps you. The entire process took us about 4 hours to do, but
now that I've been through it I think it will only take about 30 minutes for
each of my remaining plans.

One thing I am going to try is to renumber the WBS codes for another project
with this baseline issue and see if it alone will fix the problem. I have a
funny feeling it won't. Reimporting the XML file is giving me more confidence
that the new mpp doesn't have any corruption.

I know this didn't work for all of your workplans Adrienne. Maybe you'd need
to run through the XML export & import more than once? I don't know.

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