Business Contact Manager



I have a series of problems, I'm assuming all related:

1) When I start my computer, I get the message: Your SQL installation is
either corrupt or has been tampered with (Could not open SQLEVN70.RLL)
Please reinstall then re-run setup to correct this problem.

How do I uninstall and reinstall?

2) When I open Outlook, I get: There was a prolem connecting to the
database engine. To try again, please click Retry (which does nothing). If
poblem persists click help (which goes nowhere!)

3) Outlook opens for email, which works, but then I get: Cannot load all
of your data. Please try gaain later. Also, please make sure you have
permissions to access the data. If you're unsure, check with your SA. If
the problem persists contact Support.

I'm running Windows XP Home Edition with SP2, and Office 2003 Professional


SQL does not show up under Add/Remove Programs, but there are many files that
show up if I do a search on "SQL"

When I start up my computer, I get a message: Your SQL Server installation
is either corrupt or has been tampered with (Could not open SQLEVN70.RLL)
Please uninstall then re-run setup to correct this problem"

I haven't found a way to uninstall, but MSDE was installed with my
installation of Office 2003 Professional, which is what I also used to
install Contact Manager.

I have tried to uninstall BCM, so I could reinstall it, but when I do this,
I get
"The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is
unavailable. (Click ok to try again or enter an alternate path to a folder
containing the installation package 'BusinessContactManager-FullFile-EMU.MSP
in the box below. If I insert the CD to try to reinstall, I get the same
message. BCM SP1 is already installed.


Random Geek #5

I am having this same issue. For me it has something to do with
permissions. If I have local admin rights, everything works peachy.
However, if I don't, then I recieve the "problem connecting to database
engine" message. Anyone have any ideas on what specific files or
folders one needs permssion to to avoid this?

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