business floor plans



I'm new to Visio and I have a project for work using Visio
Professional. I need to create floor plans for an office
bldg. of six floors. I need the easiest way of using
Visio to create the floor plans with offices, cubicles,
conference rms, space areas with pc,faxes, printers.

But, I also need to tie each piece of office equipments
asset tag with it's location. Locations that include
employee, employee ID #, equipment serial #, type of
equipment, etc. I'm having a tough time simply putting
cubicles in the diagram 'cause there are so many that I
seem to run out of space. MicroSoft Access has all of
the asset tags and serial numbers, etc. Can I retrieve
info. from Access to include in my floor plans? Any help
with this will really be appreciated.

Thank You.

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