calendars are added to administrative projects for no reason


amir d

1. administrative projects are used to collect non working time.
2. each project is the non working time of a department (30 - 180 resources)
3. in several projects, when project managers / PMO accept updates from
resources (using the PWA), and the project file is opened, more standard
calendars are added to the project (in regular it hasonly 3 calendars, one is
used) - it alerts that it's about to add project calendars and afterwards you
can see it in
tools >> organizer (standard111, standard 1325 and ct. ....).
4. the msgbox consists:
"there is a problem with calendar name.
the project you are opening has local base calendars that match the names of
local base calendars in a currently open project. these include:
standard 1
standard 2
standard 22
standard 110

to preserve the calendars and scheduling the existing local base calendars
in the project you are opening will be renamed."
5. he problem is - we don't use local base calendars in these projects (and
only the PMO controls them).
6. what could cause this problem ? is it dangerous in some terms ? is
there anything to do besides erasing calendars from time to time ?

thank you for reading this far :) , and 10x in advance for any replies.

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