Can not contact provisioning server


Costas Seirlis

Hello everybody
I need some help with a problem that I encountered when I tried to install
groove 2007 beta. After the installation completed and user created
successfully I saw in the alert panel the alert "Groove unable to contact
provisioning server". Groove help says that this may be a network problem but
as I see my pc has connected regularly on the network, has access to the
internet and windows firewall is configured correctly to gives groove access
to the internet. For your information my PC runs windows XP with SP2 and is a
part of a domain which server runs windows 2003 server small business edition


Dear Costas Seirlis,

Based on my research, I think we can refer to these steps and then test the

First of all, please let us check if the TCP port 80,443,2492 have been
opend for Groove.

Then please let us run the Grooveclean tool
1: Shutdown the Groove application
2: Go to c:\program files\Microsoft Office\office12 and then double click
grooveclean.exe file

After these steps and then test the results.

If the problem still persists, then please let us repair the Groove and then
test the results.

Best regards,

Costas Seirlis

Dear Gell
First of all thanks a lot for your answer.
I followed your directions but unfortunately I didn’t see any improvement.
May the problem appears cause of my domain settings. I tried groove in a
different network (setuped as workgroup) and everything went fine. Do you
have any other suggestion for me??? Any help would be valuable

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