Cannot receive messages



Outlook 2007 installed on Lenovo X301 laptop, 4 gig memory, Vista Business
OS. Member of a domain.

I loaded Outlook 2007. Moved Outlook.pst so that it was easier to synch.
Had more trouble - it does not display downloaded messages, although it does

send them. Clicking "Send/Receive" indicates activity, but nothing new is

I removed Outlook via the Programs applet in Control Panel, then reinstalled

it while I was logged into my office domain. Same problem. Ran ScanPST.
difference. Ran diagnostics - it found nothing and the same problem exists
I do not see any new messages. If I go to the "Accounts" section and test
it, all is ok. I send a test message, and it gets sent, but I do not see it

on this copy of Outlook.

Elsewhere, I have been told that the problem is probably in the profile and
not Outlook.pst.

How do I fix this problem? Thanks.


Something must be going on with microsoft outlook. I'm having problems
sending and receiving messages and i'm using outlook 2003 with windows XP

K. Orland

You provide no details about error messages or type of account and you've
hijacked someone else's help request. Your problem may be entirely different
than what they're experiencing.

When you view your send/receive progress, are there any error messages? What
do they say?

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