Cascading Combo Box



I am working on a database that tracks jobs we bid, who we bid the job to and
calls we made to companies we bid to.
I have a main form "Jobs" with a subform "Bidders." In this subform I
select companies and then contacts that we bid a job to. I have created an
outer join query of companies and contacts for use in the contact combo box.
I want to create a combo box that lists only contacts for the selected
company on that datasheet row.
i.e. I enter the subform "Bidders" and select a company from a combo box
that lists all companies. Then I come to the contact combo box and I only
want to see contacts for that company. I base the combo box off the outer
join query but add a criteria to the customer ID in the query to only equal
the Company ID in the first combo box. When I open the form it asks for a
value that is already in the form. What am I doing wrong. I also want to be
able to ignore this box if I desire and leave a null value. The relationship
between BidderContactID and contactID is not an integrity link. (I hope I
said that right.)

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