Change publication design



First of all, I have set up a master page for the design for a brochure, so I
have all the elements that I need - address, logo, etc. Currently I am using
'Arrows'. Now having considered it again, I am not sure that this design is
the right one for the brochure so I want to go through the designs
individually whilst I am in not in master page view changing the brochure so
that I can get a general idea what it would look like in a different design.
I suspect this isnt what you should do according to the rules of Publisher,
but it seems to work for me because altho' I need to do a bit a bit of
imagination as to what the final product will look like. However, some of
the design styles override the master page information even when I reapply it
it and the text that is on the master page appears behind the boxes of colour
which are included with the new design. Often I can see part of the text
from the masterpage in publication view, so I have tried to send the
offending box behind, backwards, made it transparent, going back to the
master page and bringing the original text forward - everything thing I can
think of. If I CAN actually do viewing publcation pages with different
designs until I find the right one to get the effect that I want - can
somebody please tell me how to? (Having created the master page, I realise
that if I apply the master page to the publication that I am changing, I
shall have to move the elements about - eg address, logo etc around and that
they wont just slot into place with each different design.) Thanks all.

Mary Sauer

Why not just open a new instance of Publisher and look at the designs? If you come
across one you like better then apply that one to your original document and do the
You could check "Ignore Master page" in the view menu.


I am sorry but I am not quite sure what you mean here Mary by "opening a new
instance of Publisher". What I am trying to achieve is it to have a
document (in this instance the brochure) to which just the master page
information has been applied (no design), go into the View menu and then
apply the available Publisher designs one after another, quickly updating the
appearance of the brochure every time I apply each design so that I can see
which is the most appropriate for the type of brochure that I am doing. My
understanding was that f I open a new document for publication, I will have
to recreate a master page for the new publication as I will have lost the
original detail that was on the master page, that was why I was attempting to
amend the original brochure so that I would not have to do this.

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