Change Section Number?


William Bernat

I'd like to use the section number in to number various items in a long
document (i.e., Lab 1a:) where the 1 is (insert->field->section). Same thing
with page numbers 1-1, 1-2, etc. However, the first section of my document
is a title page, copyright, TOC, etc., and it the section number of 1. I'd
like to reset the number so that what's actually the second section in the
document is numbered as section number 1 when using the section field, the
third is numbered as 2....

Am I living in a fools paradise? Please advise.


John McGhie

Hi William:

You're not living in a fool's paradise: this is a very common manoever for a
book or other long document.

However, I think you may have chosen the wrong mechansm to do it.

Have a look for Heading Numbering in the Word Help. For a coherent
explanation of how to do it, see Shauna Kelly's pages at

Essentially you need style-based heading numbering applied to your text. If
you insert a Heading 2 at Lab 1a you can make it say "Lab 1a."

You can then cross-reference the generated numbers wherever you like.

I would not include the Section Number in the Page number: it makes the TOC
and Index an the corr-references very difficult to use for the reader. Why
would you need to do this?



John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs

+61 4 1209 1410, <mailto:[email protected]> mailto:[email protected]

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