Converting Word table to GIF JPG or PNG



I need to create GIF files of word tables respecting precise size
(height width) for upload to a web page using a CMS program. In order
to fix limits I put the tables inside a "text box" where I have set
the pixels limits as I need them. Then the authors of the tables know
that they have to stick with the box limits.
I use different table styles to format the tables and realise that
when I paste the text box (with the table inside) as picture inside
the Word document, or directly into Office Picture Manager, I get the
right size in pixels and also most of the table format, but bold type
and font type/size/alignment change if different from the
choice. I hoped that it would be solved that issue going from Office
2003 to Office 2007, but no!
So if I want a correct result, I need each time before copying the
text box to:
- select the textbox
- chose the font I want to use
- apply bold
- take away bold where I don't want it (I need it only for head row
and left column)
Then I can copy and paste and the result is OK. But no way to do the
above corrections using a macro-command!
The issue is well known and due to mix of table and paragraph style
There is another solution: I can make a screen shot of the tables and
paste, but it is not a fast solution if you want to keep the
dimensions etc.
Anyone got an idea to macro or other to do this job?


Anyone got an idea to macro or other to do this job?

Click on a cell in a table in a text box and run the following code, I
believe it will do what you described:

Sub FormatTableInTextBox()

If Selection.Tables.Count = 1 And Selection.ShapeRange.Count = 1
'Ensure one table in a textbox is selected

'Unbold the table
Selection.Expand wdTable
Selection.Font.Bold = False

'Select the desired font for the table
Selection.Font.Name = "Arial"
Selection.Font.Size = 8

'Bold top row and left column
Selection.StartOf Unit:=wdTable
Selection.Font.Bold = True
Selection.StartOf Unit:=wdTable
Selection.Font.Bold = True
Selection.StartOf Unit:=wdTable

'Select the text box that contains the table

'Replace it with a .GIF
Selection.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=13, Placement:=
wdInLine, DisplayAsIcon:=False 'Could also be
wdFloatOverText instead of wdInLine
MsgBox "Select a table in a text box before running this
macro.", , "Select Table"
End If

End Sub


Click on a cell in a table in a text box and run the following code, I
believe it will do what you described:

Sub FormatTableInTextBox()

If Selection.Tables.Count = 1 And Selection.ShapeRange.Count = 1
'Ensure one table in a textbox is selected

'Unbold the table
Selection.Expand wdTable
Selection.Font.Bold = False

'Select the desired font for the table
Selection.Font.Name = "Arial"
Selection.Font.Size = 8

'Bold top row and left column
Selection.StartOf Unit:=wdTable
Selection.Font.Bold = True
Selection.StartOf Unit:=wdTable
Selection.Font.Bold = True
Selection.StartOf Unit:=wdTable

'Select the text box that contains the table

'Replace it with a .GIF
Selection.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=13, Placement:=
wdInLine, DisplayAsIcon:=False 'Could also be
wdFloatOverText instead of wdInLine
MsgBox "Select a table in a text box before running this
macro.", , "Select Table"
End If

End Sub

Thanks a lot for your suggestion. However it creates GIF's which are
4/3 too big and thus not sharp (same result with a manual copy and
paste as GIF).

By using DataType:=15 instead of 13, the size is OK, but still lack of
sharpness - I don't know where that little lack of resolution comes

Finally, I would like to preserve my table in Word, and in this case
it is cut and replaced with a picture. Is possible to paste in picture
program and then go back to Word and cancel operations to recover the


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