Create project automatically in Project Server 2002?


Varuni Jayamaha


I want to create a project automatically in ProjectServer (without uploading
a project professional file), triggered by an event from a different
I also want to base the new project on a standard project template (so that
the new project would contain all the tasks etc of the template).

Is this possible?

Sorry if the question is silly a newbie at this :))

Many thanks

Rod Gill


You need automation to do this. Only by opening a project in Project
Professional will you get dates calculated for your template copy (using the
new start date). Project professional will also then publish to PW server.

You can however use PADS to programmatically work with projects, including
creating tasks etc, but Project Professional is the only calculation engine
for scheduling.

Rod Gill
Project MVP
For Microsoft Project companion projects, best practices and Project VBA
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