creating a document workflow management solution with infopath



Hello all,
I am a web services administrator at a university and we are
trying to implement a document workflow management solution with infopath (
please let me know if a workflow mgmt can be done better with any other
software). I am looking for some guidance in this directions. does anybody
have an idea of where i should start.

To make the scenario and give a clear picture of what i am working for is
create an application, for example, for Human Resouces department. Lets take
an example of a leave request form. To request an absence, an employee has to
fill out a leave request form. Based on the employee's credentials the form
has to go directory to his supervisor. it gets approved by his supervisor and
then goes to the HR department for them to record his leave.

So in this simple scenario, if the document workflow mgmt was in place, it
would reduce a lot of man-hours by authorising and recording the leave
process automatically. I am looking for a solution for similar kind.

I am convinced that sharepoint services and infopath can do it but i just
dont know where/how to start. could anybody please help me?

Thanks a lot,

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