Creating independant Arrays of sequential numbers


Robert Hatcher

I need to create several named arrays of sequential numbers in excel

The microsoft artical "Returning
an Array of Sequential Numbers in Excel" and a few others on the web
have methods to do this but require a range of cell be established. I
could do that and then refer a name to the range but I would rather
have a stand alone named range with the array.

For example the reference would be in a name would be like:

Is ther a way to generate this without having to type out the numbers?

Ron Rosenfeld

I need to create several named arrays of sequential numbers in excel

The microsoft artical "Returning
an Array of Sequential Numbers in Excel" and a few others on the web
have methods to do this but require a range of cell be established. I
could do that and then refer a name to the range but I would rather
have a stand alone named range with the array.

For example the reference would be in a name would be like:

Is ther a way to generate this without having to type out the numbers?

I'm not sure exactly what you mean when you write "require a range of cell be established", or why that should be an issue.

Various methods:




Robert Hatcher

Thanks Don, after I though about it, your right. Whats an extra
worksheet to reference the ranges cost me...

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