Creating multiple userforms



Hello. I am working in Word97 and learning VBA as I go about creating this
project. What I am trying to do is have a program where a user makes a
choice from a combo box or options buttons and, depending on their choice,
receives another specific userform. Then, based on their answers to those
questions, specific autotext would be entered into a specific place in their
The places I am currently stuck are these -
1) How do I have another userform open after the user presses "OK" on the
first userform?
2) I plan to have the program started by the user pressing a button in their
menu bar. I know some of my code goes on the code form of the Userform.
Does some code need to go into a Module? If so, how do I determine which
code needs to go into the Module?

Thanks! Dragon

Charles Kenyon

Have you read the article "How to Create a UserForm" on the MVP FAQ site?
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

Word Resources Page

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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Word Heretic

G'day "drake" <[email protected]>,



2) Stick a PUBLIC SUB with NO parms in a CODE MODULE (Modules) to link
to your toolbar. This sub then does a UserForm.Show, ideally like this

Dim MyForm as WhateverTheFormNameIs
Set MyForm = New WhateverTheFormNameIs
Set MyForm=Nothing

drake said:
Hello. I am working in Word97 and learning VBA as I go about creating this
project. What I am trying to do is have a program where a user makes a
choice from a combo box or options buttons and, depending on their choice,
receives another specific userform. Then, based on their answers to those
questions, specific autotext would be entered into a specific place in their
The places I am currently stuck are these -
1) How do I have another userform open after the user presses "OK" on the
first userform?
2) I plan to have the program started by the user pressing a button in their
menu bar. I know some of my code goes on the code form of the Userform.
Does some code need to go into a Module? If so, how do I determine which
code needs to go into the Module?

Thanks! Dragon

Steve Hudson

Word Heretic, Sydney, Australia
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Thanks Steve.

For 1), that would be in the userform code and not the code module, right?

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