Cross Functional Bands - Spacing



Is there a way to have space between cross functional bands? I want to put
two sets of bands on the same diagram, but I want a space (or separator)
between them. I tried using the separator shape but it did not work (unless I
did it incorrectly).


Philippe C.

Probably not.
I tried some cells in the Page Layout section of the Shapesheet.
But I have been known to be wrong before in matters concerning the cross
functional bands.

Chris Roth [Visio MVP]

Hi Ldyflyr,

I think you're limited to one set per page.

If you just want to print on one page, you could try this:

- Make a document with separate pages for each set of bands
- Copy each page
- In a separate "output document" paste as a metafile via Edit > Paste
Special > As metafile

This will create a dumb vector-blob of your cross-functional flowchart,
so you can put as many of them on a page as you want.

Not real fun if you have to do it a lot...

Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

Visio Guy: Smart Graphics for Visual People

Paul Herber

Is there a way to have space between cross functional bands? I want to put
two sets of bands on the same diagram, but I want a space (or separator)
between them. I tried using the separator shape but it did not work (unless I
did it incorrectly).

I hope I'm not misinterpreting what you want ..
I've just tried this and it seems to achieve what you want.

a. drop a new functional band where you want the gap
b. set the band width/height to the size you want
c. delete the text
d. select the whole band and turn off lines
e. select just the band header and set the fill to no fill

Job done.

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