Custom Bibliography/Citation Styles in Word 2007


Dan Preece

I am attempting to tweak an existing Citation Style in Word 2007 by copying
one of the existing xslts to a new filename and then modifying the new .xsl

I was able to copy the file and the new style shows up in the style drop
down with the same name as the style I was copying (in this case MLA). The
name of the style seems to be coming from something other than the name of
the .xsl filename. I have looked through the .xsl file and there is a bit of
XML that seems to indicate where the style name comes from:

<xsl:when test="b:OfficeStyleKey">

When I change this to some other value, it has the effect of making my new
style no longer show up in the drop down. Looking at this in some of the
other .xsl files has GOSTNS for the GOST - Name Sort and GOSTTS for the GOST
- Title Sort.

So my question is where is the mapping between the Bibliography styles and
the "b:OfficeStyleKey" above and how do I modify my .xsl so that it shows up
as "MLA Customized" in the bibliography style drop down?

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