Custom Form Icon not showing in message list



I have an add-in that uses 2 custom forms for custom IPM.Note.* items
that show up in the Inbox (messages). It works correctly in all
versions of Outlook 2000 to 2007. It even works in 2007 correctly,
except when a user sets the display DPI to 120 (haven't tested
anything besides 96 and 120, it works at normal/98 but not at 120).

When the display DPI is at 120, the icon in the message list is always
the envelope (default for email), instead of the one inside my custom

Anyone else experience this problem? Do I need to create one of those
new "form regions" instead, would they work better? I'd rather have a
quick fix, since I'm not familiar with form regions yet and don't
really have the time right now. Our custom form has some calculated
fields and also some hidden fields that were used to get printing to
work the way we want (a kludge), so I'm also not sure this stuff will
even be possible with form regions.

Also, it seems like it is just a bug in Outlook (or "known issue"?)
because even when I use the "Design this form" on any of the default
forms, then just do "Publish As..." to create a custom form based on a
default form.... at 120 DPI it always shows the envelope icon in the
list for those items. Then I switch to 96 DPI and the same items show
the correct icon (in this case it is always the "Post" icon because
that appears to be the one associated with the default forms).

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