Date problem



I have 7 fields (columns) of dates in a table, one for each event that occurs
in a project. I would like to know how many projects where all 7 were null on
Jan 1, 2009. I have project ID as the key. I can see how many are all null
now because I just put is null in all 7. How would I do that for Jan 1?
Thanks, so much!!!!


Change your table structure to something like this --
ProjID -
Phase - number - integer
PhaseDue - DateTime
PhaseDone - DateTime

Using this structure you can query it as needed.

John Spencer MVP

Put the following in each criteria where you currently have Is Null
IS Null Or >= #1/1/2009#

Of change the date fields to calculated fields where you force a date far in
the future if the field is null. For example:

Field: StepOne: Nz([TableName].[StepOne],#2999-01-01#)
Criteria: >=#2009-01-01#

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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