DatePart in default value



I have a form that uses the date function Date() to automatically throw the
current date in the field. I do that by using Date() in the default
property. I would like the week number to do the same, but it won't work in
the default property.

DatePart("ww",[Date]) is the format I'm using, date being the form field in
which the current date is.

If I just give the field value of DatePart("ww",[Date]) I see the week
number, but I'm trying to save it in the database with the date and not just
show the number.

What am I doing wrong? Do I have do a VB module or can I place the function
somewhere in the properties?



There are a few issues here. First, in this line, you have Date in brackets.
If this means you have a field named Date, then you need to change it. Date
is a reserved word and using it as a name will cause problems.
Second, you should not store the week number in your table. You have the
date captured in a field, so you have what you need to calculate the week
when you display the record. Storing calculated values violates good
database normalization.
For the week field, I would suggest you use the Control Source property of
the control in which you want to display the week number using this:

=Format([Date], "ww")

And again, change the name of the field in the table and the control on the
form to something other than Date.



Ok, I did what you said and it's working. I used the DatePart() function in
the Source data for the form and, for the inevitable spreadsheet I give my
boss, I calculated the week in a query.


Klatuu said:
There are a few issues here. First, in this line, you have Date in brackets.
If this means you have a field named Date, then you need to change it. Date
is a reserved word and using it as a name will cause problems.
Second, you should not store the week number in your table. You have the
date captured in a field, so you have what you need to calculate the week
when you display the record. Storing calculated values violates good
database normalization.
For the week field, I would suggest you use the Control Source property of
the control in which you want to display the week number using this:

=Format([Date], "ww")

And again, change the name of the field in the table and the control on the
form to something other than Date.

Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

Lambi000 said:
I have a form that uses the date function Date() to automatically throw the
current date in the field. I do that by using Date() in the default
property. I would like the week number to do the same, but it won't work in
the default property.

DatePart("ww",[Date]) is the format I'm using, date being the form field in
which the current date is.

If I just give the field value of DatePart("ww",[Date]) I see the week
number, but I'm trying to save it in the database with the date and not just
show the number.

What am I doing wrong? Do I have do a VB module or can I place the function
somewhere in the properties?


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