Deleted bookmarked pages?


Rod C

Lets say that I have a web site and I delete a page that
users may have bookmarked or may have in their history
dropdown. How do I redirect the attempt to a valid page?

Charles Kenyon

Check with your web host. They will have a name for such a file and let you
post a page with that name.
Charles Kenyon

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Cliff K

There are actually two ways to do this. If you are running
the web server, you can use Apache and change it. (Go to and search).

Since I don't run my own server, I use a "redirect".
With the original page name, put in the head section of
the HTML:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;

The "1" above is how many seconds the page will take to
refresh to the new page. The "url" redirects the user to
whatever page you want them to go to. In the body section,
I put a generic statement: "This page has moved, and you
will be redirected in a few seconds. If your browser does
not take you to the new page, click here.
The "click here" is a link to whatever page you wish them
to go to our your site.
good luck, cliff

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