Different views cause paragraphs to run-in


Larry Sulky

Okay, I know that lately my Word problems have become so weird and
obscure that no one wants to talk to me... but I'm hoping...

I have a strange situation that seems to manifest itself in slightly
different ways on three different PCs (all Win XP, Word 2003): Some
paragraphs in a particular file run in to one another in Reading View,
or when paragraph marks are hidden, or in PDF output.

For example, in the file in question, there is an author name as one
paragraph, followed by a title as another paragraph. When the run-in
behaviour occurs, these two paragraphs join up as though one, although
each keeps its own distinct style.

Here's the situation for the three PCs:

Machine A runs some paragraphs together...
.... in Reading View? Yes.
.... when paragraph marks are hidden in Print View? No.
.... in PDF output? No.

Machine B runs some paragraphs together...
.... in Reading View? Yes.
.... when paragraph marks are hidden in Print View? No.
.... in PDF output? Yes.

Machine C (remote machine; I have no direct access) runs some
paragraphs together...
.... in Reading View? Yes.
.... when paragraph marks are hidden in Print View? Yes.
.... in PDF output? Don't know.

Can anyone tell me:
1) Is this behaviour normal in Reading View?
2) If so, what are the criteria for when it happens and when it
3) Have you ever seen it before in Print View?
4) Can it be stopped?

TIA --

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