Displaying values in listbox

  • Thread starter Gaurav Upadhyay
  • Start date

Gaurav Upadhyay

Hi Everybody,

I am using Infopath 2003 SP2. I am a novice in that and need some
help.I have created two drop down list boxes in Infopath form. Second
list box looks up values in first list box.So whenever a user changes
the value in first list box ,the second list box changes to display
values pertaining to first list box.It is working perfectly fine.
Now my problem is that I wish to always display the first value in
second list box i.e whatever values need to be displayed in second list
box, the first value should immediately be available in list box.It
should not need to be selected.
What is happening now is that whenever value in first list box is
changed,the second list box changes accordingly and displays a blank
line.To select any value we need to click on the list box and select
some value.I want that the first value should be immediately available
in child list box (second list box) whenever value in parent list box
is changed (first list box).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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