Does Page Number cause corruption?



In word 2007 there's a Footer gallery that puts the page number center
in the footer. There is a separate button called Page Number that
appears to do the same, but it won't change the page color or add
lines, etc. It's a cleaner footer. I was told not to use this one
called Page Number becase it can corrupt the document. Is that true?
Hasn't Word, with its new version, grown out of those corruption bugs?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Insert | Page Numbers in earlier versions doesn't "corrupt the document,"
but it can cause problems because the number is inserted in a frame;
occasionally users would delete the number without deleting the frame, which
would accidentally get dislodged into the document body area, causing
problems (see This seems
to have been corrected in Word 2003: you can't delete the number without
deleting the frame, I think. Still, using the Insert Page Number button on
the Header and Footer toolbar is recommended, especially if your
header/footer will contain other text.

In Word 2007, the way to get JUST a page number (even in a footer inserted
as a Quick Part) is to use the Current Position option on the Page Number
button. Otherwise, you are inserting (in many cases) an entire header/footer
Quick Part containing a page number, and if you select a different
Header/Footer from those galleries, you'll overwrite the page number you

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