Entourage Lost Identities, Address book, saved e-mails etc



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC
Email Client: pop

I have had a major problem with entourage. I used it fine without any problems since installation until 3 days ago when I started my laptop, opened entourage and was greeted with 'this is the first time you have opened this application etc' type message.
I restarted my machine, opened entourage and sure enough was greeted with the same message.
What I have since discovered is that this problem has caused me to lose all saved e-mails (approx 4000), addresses (300), 2 identities, all sub folders I created (15).
It has SAVED signatures and now i have had to reset the account, brings in the new mail in the color coded headings I had applied to the subfolders before the problem started.

I have looked in my library and can see the last time I had saved an attachment and the user data at the time I turned on my machine when i discovered the problem. But it has no user data for identities prior to the problem.
I have also looked at my webmail account and can only see mail from the time I had to reset my account settings and not before.

Naturally my trash folder contains nothing and has not been emptied since before this problem started

Where may I find all previously saved information/identities/addresses etc.


Iain Bagwell

Adam Bailey

I have had a major problem with entourage. I used it fine without any
problems since installation until 3 days ago when I started my laptop,
opened entourage and was greeted with 'this is the first time you have
opened this application etc' type message.

Entourage expects all of its data to be in the Microsoft User Data folder
inside your Documents folder. If this has been moved, you will get a new

First check there to see if there is an identity (or multiple identities)
and see how big the files are. Also check you Desktop and do a search on
your computer for other places to which your identity might have been
inadvertantly moved.

Diane Ross

I have had a major problem with entourage. I used it fine without any problems
since installation until 3 days ago when I started my laptop, opened entourage
and was greeted with 'this is the first time you have opened this application
etc' type message.

Four options:

1) you moved your Identity or Microsoft User Data folder
2) it's in an invisible folder called 'lost & found'
3) virus software quarantined your Identity
4) Sometimes updating software (including the OS) can cause problems where
files go missing

(Personal story...I was working in iMove and it crashed. My project
disappeared and was never found. $#@! Happens.)

Entourage expects the Microsoft User Data folder to be in your Documents
folder. For OS X users, that's the Documents folder in your User's folder.
When Entourage opens in a new blank Identity, it's usually User error.

Most likely you have accidentally moved your data. Hopefully, you have not
deleted the file. If you have deleted the trash, it's gone. Sorry!

Select Switch Identity (under Entourage in the Menu bar) and see if your old
identity is still listed.

To find your old database, search for "Microsoft User Data" (without the

If you have not used a new identity in Entourage, then copy the entire
Microsoft User Data folder to the correct location.

Fix if you have more than one Microsoft User Data Folder...

Move the entire identity folder you want to use to the Office Identities
folder that Entourage is recognizing. Your identity is named "Main" by
default. Be sure to rename one so you do not overwrite. Your identity folder
can contain more than one identity. Switch Identities to view your old mail.
If you have not used the new identity, delete it. If you have used it and
want to combine the new mail with your original database, drag each folder
to the desktop from one identity. This creates an MBOX file. Switch
identities. Drag the MBOX files into the folder window of Entourage.

You can delete the old folder after you are satisfied with the transfer.

Sometimes updating software (including the OS) can cause problems where
files go missing. See this link for help finding 'lost' files.


If you don't have a backup, then take this opportunity to learn from your
mistakes and start a good backup strategy.


Thanks to both of you who responded,

I am starting to get somewhere with it. I'm not ruling out user error, as the last time I worked on any files before the problem was noticed was at 37000ft at 3.00am!

In the MUD folder there was a folder with the Database symbol on it, however the name was that of the word doc I had been working on and the folder in Question is 3.17 GB, which was quite possibly the archive that had somehow been renamed. The question I have now is how to import that folder back into my workflow. Naturally the folder does not open either with a double click OR if I try to import it back into entourage. It is not saved as a text file, so can't import it as a text file. It is so frustrating knowing I can see the folder, but can't seem to do anything with it!

Any further suggestions anyone?

Diane Ross

In the MUD folder there was a folder with the Database symbol on it, however
the name was that of the word doc I had been working on and the folder in
Question is 3.17 GB, which was quite possibly the archive that had somehow
been renamed. The question I have now is how to import that folder back into
my workflow. Naturally the folder does not open either with a double click OR
if I try to import it back into entourage. It is not saved as a text file, so
can't import it as a text file. It is so frustrating knowing I can see the
folder, but can't seem to do anything with it!

I suggest creating a new Identity under Entourage in the Menu bar. Name it
blank or test. Use the example files created to know how you should rename
the file and set file type and permissions. Get Info will allow you to

Inside Main Identity, you have four files:

Main Identity
Mailing Lists
Database <---- this is the file that contains almost everything

Hope this works for you.

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