error when trying to submit to access database HELP!!!!



Hi guys. Im having alot of trouble with this. I have created a simple access
database, uploaded to a doc library on a sharepoint site. Then I made a
infopath form based on this by using the url:

I succeeded in creating the form. I then published it onto the sharepoint
site. Now, when I try to fill out the form so the database can be filled in,
I hit submit and it opens up a ADO warning telling me that the website is
using my identity to connect to the datasource, I hit ok and then I get
another window saying "Please enter MS JET OLE DB Initialization." In the
fields it has 1) Datasource is
\\\sites\Safety_and_Training\ai\db2.mdb, the 2)username is
Admin, 3)password is blank, 4)provider string is blank and the 5)open mode is
on DB_Mode_Readwrite.

1. One thing I tried is in the username and password I give my administrator
login as Corpdynatec\RGill, and then the password I always use to login onto
the site. It then gives me:

InfoPath cannot connect to the data source.
Not a valid account name or password.

2. Next thing I try is just leaving the username as admin and password blank
but then I get the message:

InfoPath cannot connect to the data source.
The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file
'\\\sites\Safety_and_Training\ai\db2.mdb'. It is already opened
exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

Please let me know what im doing wrong and how to fix this. I have done no
coding whatsoever. Id really appreciate your help!

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