Excel 2007 crashing with simple scatter plots with 8 k data points



I am having a real problem with Excel 2007 (and PowerPoint 2007) when trying
to manipulate very basic scatter plots (two series, smoothed lines, 8000 data
points per series). When I try selecting one of the series, Excel goes off in
a huff for about 20 or 30 minutes (I am not exaggerating! It "...is not
responding" for that period and loses the frame it normally has, replacing
this with a standard Window title bar superimposed over the normal Excel 2007
one, until it gives back focus) and then repeatedly becomes non responsive
when trying to manipulate any of the properties (line colour, line style
etc). I have tried repairing Office 2007 and have even tried completely
uninstalling and then reinstalling the program set (but have not "cleaned"
the registry of Office entries after the uninstall and therefore still have
all my preferences on reinstallation) but that has not changed anything. If I
do not try to manipulate this type of chart, Excel 2007, and the other Office
programs behave well. I have saved the file to an xls file and can happily
open and adjust the chart to my heart’s content with no issues using Excel
2002 (running on a lower spec machine).
Is this an issue with Excel or perhaps a compatibility problem (I am running
Office 2007 on a Toshiba Tecra M5 laptop with a 2+ GHz Core Duo and1Gb RAM,
with Windows XP SP2)? Is there any way I can tell what might be / is causing
the problem? Are there any simple solutions I can try? Or do I need to
rebuild my laptop installation from scratch (something I am very loathed to
Any hl would be very welcome... if I hadn't lost my hair already, I would be
pulling it out by now!
Best wishes, Boris.

Jon Peltier

Microsoft Knowledge Base article kb938538
(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/938538) describes a hotfix that helps this
situation. Contact MS Service, and they will email you a link to the hotfix

The hotfix improves the performance problem of Excel 2007 charts with large
data sets (as if 8000 points is a lot), but the performance will not come
close to matching that of Exec l2003.

- Jon


Hi Jon,
Many thanks. I wouldn't have thoughtthe 8000 points would qualify as large
but... I also checked Microsoft Update for updates but there was nothing
there so many thanks for th hint. I have requested the hotfix so lets see
where it gets me.
Thanks again and very best wishes, Boris.


Dear Jon,
Received the hotfix and installed it and hooray it works! I will hold off a
full celebration until I have a chart with 32k datapoints per series and four
or more series....
Many many thanks for the information. That was really helpful. I did not
expect this to be an Office 2007 issue but am most pleased that it has been
addressed, to some extent at least.
Thanks again ans best wishes, Boris.


I have the same problem, but am unable to install the hotfix. I get the
error 'The expected version of the software was not found on the system' The
software is on the system as well Office XP.

Can you help please.

Jon Peltier

Install Service Pack 1. It includes the hotfix and more improvements.

- Jon


Many thanks. That worked great.


Jon Peltier said:
Install Service Pack 1. It includes the hotfix and more improvements.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Tutorials and Custom Solutions
Peltier Technical Services, Inc. - http://PeltierTech.com


Dear Jon,
This issue (or a very similar one) was reintroduced with Service Pack 2. I
note it has apparently ben fixed in Excel 2010 (beta) but are there any fixes
for Excel 2007? I have had this acknowledged as a bug by the Excel team bak
inth esummer of last yeart but have nit heard anything about a fix... I have
also posted a message to theis forum once or twice in the last few weeks but
that seems always to disappear (at least I can find no trace of it)...
Best wishes, Bors.

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