Excel in Office 2007 does not do an automatic recalculate



I have Office 2007 on my Win/XP workstation. I have apparently (in
error) changed a setting.

For one specific worksheet, Excel no longer automatically recalculates
when I change cell contents.

For all other worksheets, Excel does recalculate automatically.

I'd sure appreciate some advice to fix the one worksheet that does not
auto recalculate.


Jim Rech

Unless this is a bug I haven't heard about, there is only one way that a
sheet will not calculate when it otherwise should and that is if its
'EnableCalculation' property has been set to False. The only problem with
this answer is that it is highly unlikely you would have stumbled onto this
setting, set it, and then entered a fugue state and forgotten all about it.

Anyway, to check this setting:
1. Right click on the worksheet's tab and pick View Code.
2. Press F4 to open the Properties window for this sheet.
3. Check/change the EnableCalculation property.

Say, there is no chance that you accidentally replaced all the formulas with
their values, right (Like with a Copy/Paste Special,Values)? There are
still formulas on the sheet?


I must admit the problem was a personal screw-up. I am very used to
the older Office menus. I have recently upgraded to Office 2007 from
many years using the older menu system. I still have hard times
finding things on the new-fangled menus. But, I am improving.

From the formulas menu, then calculation, then calculation options, I
found I had the setting as manual. I have changed this to automatic &
everything is now ok.

In the main Excel options, I had thought I had calculation as
automatic. You suggestions below let me know where the fault was.


I have a large number of tab (10 or so) in the worksheet. Each tab is
an attendance sheet for a specific classroom in my day care. I added
one additional tab where I actually change the date. Each classroom
tab references the "main date change tab". It makes things easier.

Do you know of an easy way to find a menu entry if you are not very
familiar with the new menu system? I thought Microsoft might have a
cross-reference chart or something similar, but I can't find it.

Roger Govier


It is possible to customise the ribbon yourself, and add a Tab with all
of the old Menu features.
There are some sites with information on how to achieve this

or if you don't want to do it yourself there is a free download from
Shah Shailesh which works very well
choose Excel Menu 2003


Roger Govier

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