Export to Excel issues - time sheet totals


Chuck Gould

Project Server 2003 SP2 and Project Server 2007 SP1

With the reliance of exporting to Excel for a lot of the reporting
functionality I find it irritating that data is exported as text relying on
the user to convert the data to numeric.

Also in 2007 the Export to Excel function requires (at least in my case)
special configuration in IE to accomodate it for all Exports other than
Resource Center and Project Center.

It appears like the procedures used every where except Project Center and
Resource Center are different in that they launch another instance of IE,
require a second login, and depending on the office version complain about
the file type.

It would be nice to have this fixed and be consistent as well as having the
ability to export the data as numerics without the trailing "h" and "d".


Another major frustration and potentially a roadblock in our migrating from
2003 to 2007 is the loss of clarity and functionality in the recording of
time against tasks.

In 2003 a nice grid for the week was shown with totals across the top and
across the bottom that adhered to the work week structure.

In 2007 with the Progress [Assignments] display enabled in My Tasks you get
a similar display except the total for the week (across and down) are missing
and the week "floats" not always starting at the right day - further obscured
by the fact the days of the week (Mon, Tue, Wed) are not shown.

In addition when Remaining Work is added to this view it is displayed in
days not hours, but when you drill down into the Assignment Details page
Remaining Work is displayed in hours.

Last but not least in 2003 - Remaining work was automatically recalculated.
Now we have to force recalculation for staff to see the changes.

All in all the whole entering of time against tasks has taken a major step
backwards that degrades the user expereince to the point of having us
questioning the upgrade.

There are a lot of positives in 2007, but if it is not easy to use and
intuitive, people are going to start looking for products that are.

Is there any hope these issues will be corrected in the near future?

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