Export truncated in RTF



We have an issue where a report gets truncated about halfway through the
second page when exporting to RTF. I we export to snapshot or into a PDF, it
comes out fine. It doesn't matter if we use VBA or the Publish to Word

Any ideas?


Jeanette Cunningham

Some more info would be helpful.
I assume it is only one field that gets truncated?
What type of field gets truncated?

Jeanette Cunningham

Jeanette Cunningham

From looking at past posts on this issue, the problem can happen if the
first few records have small amounts of text in the memo field, then when
access gets to the record with a lot of text in the memo field, you get the
truncate problem.
To test if this causing your problem, create a test report
Add a new record to the test report with more than 255 characters in that
memo field and make that record the first record, keep the rest of the test
report similar to the one with the problem. Run the export and see if the
truncation still happens.

Jeanette Cunningham


Unfortunately, this is one record at a time. Rarely is more than one
converted in a day. Yet, it happens everytime. Also we sometimes truncate
at less than 255 charatcers and sometimes at more than 255 characters.

Sorry to make it trickier rather than easier...

- C

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