File Sharing Workspace Synchronization Issue



I am a participant in a Groove 2007 file sharing workspace with permission to
modify all files. When I update an Excel 99-2003 worksheet using Excel 2007,
the saved file in my workspace quickly changes from .xls to .xls.qfs and is
overwritten by the file from another user's PC. All changes that I have made
are lost.


I think you and the other person must be simultaneously updating the same
spreadsheet. If you do this, then whoever did the last update wins! You
need a mechanism to prevent this from happening. We use a 'virtual baton'.
In Chat, whoever is going to work on the file types "I have the baton".
Nobody else is now allowed to update the file until you type "Baton is free."
After a while, people get used to the idea of checking Chat for the baton
before they do anything to files in the workspace.


I thought that at first and ensured the other members were not using the file.

We worked around this issue by making me a manager in the workspace and I
now can update the file and save it. Could not do that as a participant even
though "modify files" was set in the permissions.

Even if someone else had the file open, I am under the understanding that
the second file is saved with the name of the second person to change the

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