Filling odd shapes



I'm trying to create a closed shape (Visio 2002) consisting of an
exponential curve (stencil from the drawing tools set) and then 3 lines
underneath so that the result is a closed shape that can be filled with a
color. I can create the shape with the curve and 3 lines and everything
looks connected but the fill just won't happen. I don't get any errors, it
just doesn't fill with a color. What am I missing?


S said:
I'm trying to create a closed shape (Visio 2002) consisting of an
exponential curve (stencil from the drawing tools set) and then 3 lines
underneath so that the result is a closed shape that can be filled with a
color. I can create the shape with the curve and 3 lines and everything
looks connected but the fill just won't happen. I don't get any errors, it
just doesn't fill with a color. What am I missing?

1. Draw (or place) the curve
2. Set Snap to "Shape handles"
3. Draw boundary lines, snapping to handles. (This ensures that they will
"Join" correctly)
4. Select the curve and other boundary lines
5. Shape|Operations|Join

It should now fill.


John Marshall, MVP

For those not following the Yahoo forum, here is Graham's message:


As mjp says, it sounds like you are actually creating several separate

You will need to understand a bit more about the composition of individual
Visio shapes, and how to add geometry to them.

I finally figured out which shape you are talking about: the Exponential
*master* on the *Charting Shapes stencil*.

Turns out that this shape is composed as a group, for no good reason that I
can see. (There's one shape for the curve, and another for the text, which
is unnecessary.)

So, to accomplish what you want, try the following steps.

Starting with one of these Exponential shapes on a page, ungroup it. You'll
discover that grouping is locked, so we have to do this as follows:

1.1 Select the shape.

1.2 Show ShapeSheet. (Window > Show ShapeSheet)

1.3 Find the Protection section, and set LockGroup to zero. (You probably
want to set all the other LockXxx cells to zero as well.)

1.4 Dismiss the ShapeSheet window.

1.5 With the shape still selected, right-click > Shape > Ungroup.

Now you have two shapes, one of which contains only the text. You can
delete this one.

Next you need to add the two additional lines, as follows.

2.1 Select the curve shape.

2.2 Open the ShapeSheet window. Try to adjust your windows so you can see
both the shapesheet and the drawing page at the same time, so you'll be
able to see the effects as you perform the steps.

2.3 Find the Geometry section.

2.4 Add two geometry rows as follows.
2.4.1 Select a cell in the last row, then right-click > Insert Row After.
2.4.2 Repeat to create a second new row.
This should make rows 5 and 6 the new rows, both having row type

2.4.3 In Row 5:
X = Width * 1
Y = Height * 0

2.4.4 In Row 6:
X = Width * 0
Y = Height * 0

Set Geometry1.NoFill cell to false.

At this stage you have a shape you can fill using the normal Visio drawing
page fill color toolbutton or dialog.

BTW, if you don't want actual lines around the right and bottom border of
the shape, you can change the type of those rows to MoveTo (Select cell in
that row, right-click > Change Row Type) .

Hope that helps,


John... Visio MVP

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I finally got it based on using help and searching for "geometry section".
The instructions seem very long and convoluted for what must be a common
and simple operation. Basically, I have no idea whata geometry section is
and really don't want to know. Visio is a simple tool and for complexity
in drawing I'll use Acad.

To solve my problem I selcected the line tool and then went to each end
point on my exponential curve and use ctrl-mouse click to do something
(whatever that does). Then go to one end of the curve and start adding
lines. They carry the same line properties as the curve so it's easy to
tell when it's working. After I reach the other end of the curve I just
filled the shape and everything worked.

So the trick is to select the exponential curve (or other stencil) end
points and hit ctrl-mouse click. Then just add to the stencil.


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