Font Size in Labels on Forms


Craig Coope

How can I change the font size on a label in a form. There is no
obvious option (in 97').

I have tried font.size = 12 etc to no avail...


Craig Coope

This worked in xl2003:

Me.Label1.Font.Size = 12

Cheers for that...

OK I am a novice when it comes to VB but the font is only large after
I click on it...I assume it is to do with the coding for the label to
change when a user clicks on it but how do I get to to stay as I want
from the very start?

Dave Peterson

Go into the VBE.
Show your userform
rightclick on the label
choose properties
Look for font in the properties window
Double click on the font name (Tahoma???)
Change the font size there

Remove any code that you used to specify the font size.

My bet is that you didn't have it in the correct procedure. I'm gonna guess
that you put it into some _click event. And I think userform_Initialize would
be better.

But once you change the properties, you can delete any code (well, unless you
really want to change it from the size you made it).

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