footnote numbering


Frank Anshen

My son is attempting to edit his dissertation, written in
an earlier form of Word in Word 2002. The footnotes are a
problem, in the main text the footnote numbers are fine, in
the footnote text, all he has is a funny symbol where the
number should be. If he inserts a new footnote, the
numbering is fine in the text (adusted to account for the
new note, and the footnote text itself has the number
rather than the funny symbol.

If this is clear, can anybody help?

Frank Anshen

Word Heretic

G'day "Frank Anshen" <[email protected]>,

check the style definition for footnotes, suss out its numbering
settings, especially the FONT being used.

Frank Anshen said:
My son is attempting to edit his dissertation, written in
an earlier form of Word in Word 2002. The footnotes are a
problem, in the main text the footnote numbers are fine, in
the footnote text, all he has is a funny symbol where the
number should be. If he inserts a new footnote, the
numbering is fine in the text (adusted to account for the
new note, and the footnote text itself has the number
rather than the funny symbol.

If this is clear, can anybody help?

Frank Anshen

Steve Hudson

Word Heretic, Sydney, Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words for you.
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