Formatting alignment - can I show text upside down?



I would like to format some text in an Excel spreadsheet as upside down. I
can see that I can align to 90 degrees but is there anyway to align by 180
degrees? Thanks.

Dave Peterson

How about another workaround?

Type your text into another cell
Select that cell

Go to the cell to show the upside down text
Shift-Edit|Paste picture link
Then rotate the picture

You can put that original cell in a different worksheet so it's out of the way,


Thanks, but I can't seem to roate, option is not available to me in 'Format

Dave Peterson

When I select a picture, I see a green grab circle extending from the picture.
It's at the top unless I've rotated it already.

I can use that to rotate the object. I'm not sure when that thingy became green
(I see that in xl2003.) But you should see that same sort of thing in earlier
versions, too.

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