FP form problem



Website info
Hoseted by yahoo webhosting and FP server extensions are supported
www.socalminicycles.com then goto races and then click on register here
button to see form in question.

The first time I published I sent the form results to a text file. Then I
went to view the file and the results were there. I told a friend to go
fill out the form and he received a front page error screen.
I did more investigating and realized it did not work any more. I had not
changed anything on the website.

I switched my plan and sent the form results to an HTML page. Test form
worked. Told my friend to try again. He received a front page error screen.
I tried it againg -error screen!
Iplayed with it a bunch and it seems that once you view the html page with
the results, then you could not submit the form successfully after that.

I tried another Idea. I'll sent it to email which is supported by yahoo as
well as long as you modify the html in the form section of your page. Great
I did a test form and it was sent to my email. I called my friend up and
said try it now. This time his form submitted but was never sent to the
email! I tried and it failed me as well. over and over.
Why would this work and then fail, when I did not make any changes? Could
the problem be on Yahoo side? it seems like something on their side is
getting disabled.



Stefan B Rusynko

Contact Yahoo for support
You are not using the std FP Forms handler and are using a custom form handler from them in
<form method=post action="http://us.4.p6.webhosting.yahoo.com/forms?login=gcebulak">

| Website info
| Hoseted by yahoo webhosting and FP server extensions are supported
| www.socalminicycles.com then goto races and then click on register here
| button to see form in question.
| The first time I published I sent the form results to a text file. Then I
| went to view the file and the results were there. I told a friend to go
| fill out the form and he received a front page error screen.
| I did more investigating and realized it did not work any more. I had not
| changed anything on the website.
| I switched my plan and sent the form results to an HTML page. Test form
| worked. Told my friend to try again. He received a front page error screen.
| I tried it againg -error screen!
| Iplayed with it a bunch and it seems that once you view the html page with
| the results, then you could not submit the form successfully after that.
| I tried another Idea. I'll sent it to email which is supported by yahoo as
| well as long as you modify the html in the form section of your page. Great
| I did a test form and it was sent to my email. I called my friend up and
| said try it now. This time his form submitted but was never sent to the
| email! I tried and it failed me as well. over and over.
| Why would this work and then fail, when I did not make any changes? Could
| the problem be on Yahoo side? it seems like something on their side is
| getting disabled.
| Thanks!
| Chuck

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