Graphics in Word 2002 (Office XP)



I received a Word document with a single graphic pasted on
Page 1. I was unable to view the graphic. Both the
sender and I are running Windows ME. I am running Office
XP with Word 2002.

I have reviewed the Tools/Options/View area and the double-
checked that the Picture placeholders is UNCHECKED and the
Drawings is CHECKED.

However, I was able to view the graphic with ease from my
laptop which is running Word '97 on Windows '95 operating

Could any of the Spyware, Adware programs that I recently
loaded be interfering with this?

I was also unable to view an "e-vite" electronic party
invitation on the same system.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Quite possibly the graphic is linked and was not included with the document.
Press Alt+F9 to see if you see a field code. If the graphic is wrapped, you
will have to make it inline first. If you see a \d switch in the
IncludePicture field, the graphic is linked.

Tim Murray

I received a Word document with a single graphic pasted on
Page 1. I was unable to view the graphic. Both the
sender and I are running Windows ME. I am running Office
XP with Word 2002.

I have reviewed the Tools/Options/View area and the double-
checked that the Picture placeholders is UNCHECKED and the
Drawings is CHECKED.

However, I was able to view the graphic with ease from my
laptop which is running Word '97 on Windows '95 operating

Could any of the Spyware, Adware programs that I recently
loaded be interfering with this?

I was also unable to view an "e-vite" electronic party
invitation on the same system.

The fact that you have two issues of viewing graphics indicates a systemic
Windows problem, as long as the e-vite was not a Word file. Hmm, try this:
Have your friend send you the graphic as a file. Note its file type, and see
what happens when you try to view it, import it, etc., on your system.

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