graphics print on wrong side



Using Word 2007 and page setup as 2 pages per sheet (this is an insert for a
church bulletin). Graphics print, but on the wrong side of the sheet. For
example, graphic/pic in on the right side (page 2 of a side-by-side sheet) of
a lnadscaped page, but the graphic prints on the left side of the page, which
would be page 1 of the side-by-side sheet. Tried moving the graphic behind
text and that doesn't help.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I can't help you with a solution but I can definitely say that this problem
has been reported by several users and that one of our Word MVPs has
reported it to Microsoft as a bug.


Here's my work-around...
Instead of using 2 pages per sheet layout, I changed to a normal layout,
landscaped, but then divided the page into 2 columns. So one column is page
1 of the sheet and column 2 is page 2 of the sheet. All graphics printed fine
this way and the doc was just how I needed it.

For a book-fold, just reverse the page layout...make sure page 1 and 4 are
columns 1 and 2, respectively, and pages 2 and 3 are columns 3 and 4, and so


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