Groove Global Search Tool available


Ashok Hingorani

Hi all

this was such a necessary tool
that everybody thought that somebody would do it
so nobody did

well here it is version 1 - will search all tools / forms and even file and
attatchment names - download from

you can even do something dangerous (but useful) like replace values across
multiple tools and forms.

what we have not added (yet) is the ability to search within documents but
that can be done if seriously needed.

cheers and pass the word around - it's free but we will answer all support
requests. And of course and bug reports would be most welcome.

support mail to (e-mail address removed)


Mark Smith

Hi Ashok -

Congratulations. It looks great.

Like you, I've got a bazillion spaces and its a bit slow for me, but I'd
guess for most folks this would be just the ticket.

Ashok Hingorani

Thanks Mark
agree everything about GWS seems a bit slow
but i think redoing this sometime soon in C# would help
your suggestions would be welcome

do pass the word to other users in your loop




It would be nice if the "Search Locations" can be select by Workspace
and select by Folder.
And it would be nice if the tools list can be collapsed.

- Kevin

Ashok Hingorani

Thanks Kevin
will do
some changes already made and will be published today
will then improve the menu (tree) generally
your suggestions are appreciated

PS we "vets" who have been around groove since day one welcome you on the
forum and thank you for taking some of the support load. Do tell us something
about yourself and maybe join some of our active discussion spaces.



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