Help - TIA ... query design grid is missing ...



TIA ...

Sometimes, when I copy access mdb that I use at the office in my
laptop, and I look at the queries in the query desihgn grid, all I
could see is the upper portion where the tables and property window
are ... the bottom portion where the query grid would be is gone !

Any ideas ? I know it did not diassapear, it's just that I cannot see
the grid - something to do with resolutions of the two different
machines that had the mdb ?



Steve Schapel


I have never experienced like this before. But what happens if you
increase the height of the query design window, by putting your mouse
pointer at the bottom of the window, to get the double-headed resize
pointer, and then drag down?


TIA ...

Sometimes, when I copy access mdb that I use at the office in my
laptop, and I look at the queries in the query desihgn grid, all I
could see is the upper portion where the tables and property window
are ... the bottom portion where the query grid would be is gone !

Any ideas ? I know it did not diassapear, it's just that I cannot see
the grid - something to do with resolutions of the two different
machines that had the mdb ?



Probably caused by having the 2 computers on different screen
I had a similar problem with another non-Access application, where I
couldn't see a pair of command buttons at the bottom of the form, and
the form was not resizable.
Increase the resolution on the computer that has this problem.
Open the query in design view. If you can now see the grid (or any
part of the grid), move it upward towards the upper panel as much as
you can.
Save the query.
Go back and reset the screen resolution to where it was.
Open the query again and see if that has helped find the lower panel.


Fred ...
You are right ... I increased my reso and I was able to see the design
grid ... You diagnosed it great and your cure was perfect ...

I love this newsgroup - has helped me over the years ... I hope to be
able to contribute one of these days ...

Steve, Thank You ... and Steve Thank You ...


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