Help with calculation based on 3 scenerio??




What is the formula or calcalution to calculate (different formula) based on
three scenerio? I thought about IF function, but that only work for two

Anyway, here is an example of what I need for the formula to calculate:
Scenerio 1: Task = 1, Machine = 2, use formula calculation A
Scenerio 2: Task = 2, Machine = 1, use formula calculation B
Scenerio 3: Task = 1, Machine = 1, use formula calculation C


John C

Well, you could use nested IF statements (if you have xl2003 or older, the
maximum functions you can 'nest' is 7).
=IF(task=1,IF(machine=1,calculation C,IF(machine=2,calculation A,"Task=1,
Machine<>1 or 2")),IF(task=2,IF(machine=1,calculation B,"Task=2,
Machine<>1"),"Task<>1 or 2"))

Luke M

You can nest your IF functions.
Assuming Task is A1, Machine is B1

=IF(AND(A1=1,B1=2),calculation A,IF(AND(A1=2,B1=2),calculation
B,IF(AND(A1=1,B1=1),calculation C,"Did not meet defined critera")))

Note that this equation still needs you to put in the calculations you
wanted to do, but hopefully it provides a clear example.

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