Help with Enterprise Custom Field


Parker Freeman

I have created the following convoluted code to drive a task status

Switch(ProjDateDiff(date(),[Baseline Finish])<0 And [% Complete]<100,"Late
Task",(ProjDateDiff([Baseline Finish],ProjDateAdd(date(),480))<=480) And
(ProjDateDiff([Baseline Finish],ProjDateAdd(date(),480))>=0 And [%
Complete]<100),"Due Within 1 Day",(ProjDateDiff([Baseline
Finish],ProjDateAdd(date(),4*480))<=4*480) And (ProjDateDiff([Baseline
Finish],ProjDateAdd(date(),4*480))>=0 And [% Complete]<100),"Due Within 5
Days",True,IIf([Actual Finish]=ProjDateValue("NA"),"No
Concern",IIf(ProjDateDiff([Actual Finish],[Baseline Finish])<0,"Late
Finish","On Schedule Finish")))

Believe it or not, it works fine in the local version of the project loaded
into a local custom task text field. However, if I check out the Enterprise
Global and create an enterprise task text field and use the same code (and
save the EG ). I get a blank field when I add the Enterprise custom field
to a view in PWA. All of the fields used for calculations are the same on
the server as in the local project.

Any ideas would be appreciated

Parker Freeman

Seems to have fixed itself. It appears that there is a delay between
submitting the change and when it appears in PWA

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